About Us
The Swiss Energy Law Association (SELA) is a non-profit association in accordance with Article 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code with its headquarters at Università della Svizzera italiana USI, Lugano, Switzerland. The Association is unlimited in duration and open to all natural and juristic persons interested in the field of energy law and policy for all levels of governance and institutions involved. SELA creates a network of industry experts, policy makers, academicians on energy law and policy issues in Switzerland.
SELA is politically neutral and does not pursue any commercial interests.
SELA is affiliated with the European Federation of Energy Law Associations (EFELA) particularly in relation to the proliferation of renewable energy in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the SELA is two fold:
First, to promote knowledge of energy laws and to facilitate a better understanding of legal and policy issues related to the energy sector.
Second, to provide a forum of discussion of issues relating to energy law in international, European and Swiss law, comprising all forms of energy available and prospective.
To this effect, the Association fosters a network of experts on energy law and policy in Switzerland and participates in dialogues and policy exchanges on energy law transition and policymaking.
Our Activities
SELA was founded in 2020 and its statutes, as amended were approved by the Members on 4 February 2021. SELA routinely conducts various activities and online events to discuss and provide solutions to the energy law challenges.
SELA provides an open and safe platform to explore and discuss new ideas, scientific papers, policy briefs on emerging topics in energy law and policy in English, French, German and Italian with a view to contribute to the sustainable energy transition in Switzerland, Europe and beyond. The Energy Transition requires a novel and innovative framework of legal relations involving many stakeholders across the European Union. To this extent, SELA is particularly interested in networking and fostering relations with the European energy market and other interested stakeholders.
The Statutes of SELA can be accessed here